Conversion hmm..

Conversion hmm..

Been at this for a month now. I'm still having trouble navigating through the settings and menu. so much stuff. Got the shopping cart widget to finally work. 

Fine Art America (pixels) integration has been interesting to say the least. Still working on the drop shipping. Can't seem to get around setting up shipping even though I'm using third-party pod and drop shipping. I don't have a need for shipping at this time. If you have any solutions, I'm all ears. no!  seriously I have some big ears. lol So meanwhile back at the store, I haven't made a conversion yet. Except my wife. She wanted to see if it was true. Did I really have a store online? Well of course dear I wouldn't shit you; you are my favorite turd. I laughed; her, not so much.

I saw a statistic that said 95% of shopify stores fail. Not sure how true that is but this is not for people who don't have the time to get it right. I'm determined to get it right.

I was thinking about using AI but not 100% sure I want to let AI have control over my money. What are your thoughts on that? letting AI run ads?



